8x10 inch X-ray film test

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8x10 inch X-ray film test

Post by jon.oman »

This is my first 8x10 inch image in over 30 years, and also the first image on X-ray film.

CSX 8x10 inch Green Laditude film
Cambo Legend 8x10
Caltar II-N F5.6 300 MC
F22, 8 seconds, 80 ISO
D-76 full strength, 6 minutes, 68 degrees F.
Deep tanks were used.

The exposure was adjusted for the bellows factor.
The image was cropped to a 2:3 ratio.

And yes, my darkroom is done!


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Re: 8x10 inch X-ray film test

Post by JohnSR »

Interesting. By the way is that bottle half full or half empty? :D
Three Scores and 14 years old and still going strong.

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Re: 8x10 inch X-ray film test

Post by jon.oman »

Half full of course!

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