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Box Camera Afield at Fiery Furnace

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2015 5:56 pm
by JoeVanCleave
Hi folks,

I'm a newly registered member, but longtime pinhole photographer and member of the once active F295 forums, and have been invited here by Jon in the hopes of continuing our former community in a new venue.

Spurred on by the imminent demise of F295, I recently started a new blog dedicated to alternative photographic methods, and have posted a new article that I hope you'll find informative, of a paper negative image made at the Fiery Furnace Overlook in Arches National Park. Here's the link: ... rnace.html


Re: Box Camera Afield at Fiery Furnace

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2015 8:45 pm
by jon.oman
Thanks for posting Joe! Nice image and interesting write-up.

I hope that we get enough former f295 members over here to make it interesting.....

Re: Box Camera Afield at Fiery Furnace

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 1:14 pm
by NedL01
Hi Joe and Jon, I'm here too. I'll put an entry in the "introduce yourself section" soon.

I think storage compartments are a great innovation. The other advantage over a "falling-plate" style of camera is that you can use a shorter "focal length" and a wider field of view. ( The relative merits of that are another topic, and might be less if your camera positions are constrained ). I got a chuckle out of the side-by-side digital photographers trying to find unique photographic possibilities....

I'll mention Joe's other similar innovation, which was to make a darkslide for the compartment section, so that just the back of the camera can be removed and inserted into the darkbag. I haven't made a camera like that but it seems to me the best compromise between simplicity and practical use to solve the "paper holder" problem.

Thanks! Ned

Re: Box Camera Afield at Fiery Furnace

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2015 1:06 pm
by earl.johnson
Hello, Joe, Jon, and Ned:

I just registered here. I will post some more later.

Earl (another f295 refugee)