Hello from Califronia

Just so that we know a little bit about you!
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Hello from Califronia

Post by NedL01 »

Hi All,

I'm here! Hoping that we'll get an influx from the few active members still over at the f295 forum, which will be closing down.

I guess my photo activity falls into several broad categories:

* I shoot film and make traditional darkroom prints.

* I do a lot of pinhole, all on paper negatives or on instant film. I've never made a pinhole image on film. I scan and make contact prints of these in various ways. In fact I took two pinhole paper negative images today, with my favorite two pinhole cameras which are simple coffee cans.

* I also like to make paper negatives using lensed cameras.

* I'm very interested in making calotypes and salt prints from them. I hope 2016 will be a leap forward in that area. I recently got a nice 7x11 camera that I'm hoping to use for this.

* I do some solargraphy, all with simple tin can pinhole cameras.

The past month or so I've been busy trying to figure out if I can make oil pigment prints using a non-toxic alternative sensitizer instead of bichromate. I've been spending a lot of time on it, still not sure how viable it is, but I'm having fun trying to make it work. They are inked like bromoil prints, and the two I inked today were dismal failures, but there have been some that were "almost" good along the way.

Hello and Happy New Year to the Group!


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Re: Hello from Califronia

Post by jon.oman »

Welcome aboard Ned! You appear to have a nice skill set. I hope to see some of your pigment prints.

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Re: Hello from Califronia

Post by Sparkey »

Welcome aboard Ned.

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