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Thunder and Lightning

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2012 12:45 am
by JohnSR
Boy has it been noisy this afternoon. We had a cold front come in over a mass of warm air. It is very unusual for us to have this much thunder and lightning. We had a close one that took out the microwave oven and the portable telephone. It also blew all those stupid light bulbs the government made us buy. Think goodness I stocked up on the old style. Not a one of them blew. It will cost me more to purchase all those bulbs than what they would save me in electricity in 10 years.
Tomorrow Betty and I will go microwave oven and portable phone shopping. Plan to pick up a new axe while we are outas I broke the handle on the old one. Am planning on getting a new heavy one so the busted handle is a good excuse to buy one with the plastic handle.
Stay safe guys and prepare for 12-21-12 :lol: :lol:

Re: Thunder and Lightning

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2012 5:10 pm
by jon.oman
During the summer, we have storms like that about two or three times a week. We are always losing power. That is why I have a UPS on each cluster of electronic gear in the house. They have saved my computers more than one time in the last eight plus years that we have lived here!

I mowed the lawn today. I have a ditch on both sides of our corner lot. One of these days, I am going to drop dead trying to mow it! It's not too bad if the humidity is not high, but when it is at 90%, I really suffer. During the winter, I can mow that ditch in one pass, but at this time of the year, I have to stop and rest at least three times. We are talking about ten to fifteen minutes each time. I guess I am not twenty years old anymore!

Talking about light bulbs, you may want to look at the new LED bulbs that are coming out. They are a lot better with regard to the color of light they produce, and should last longer than the CFL bulbs. They also do not have any mercury in them, and probably more resistent to lightning. I just put a link to one manufacturer on this site. They are pricey though.

Have fun shopping!

Re: Thunder and Lightning

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2012 5:17 pm
by JohnSR
The well just quit working. The starting system got fried. Have the well people coming over to look at it. It may have fried the pump as I just put a new starting compassor in and blew it out. Too old to be pulling 150 feet of pipe out of the ground. They should be here any minute now.

Re: Thunder and Lightning

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2012 9:04 pm
by jon.oman
Well, I hope your next week is better!

Re: Thunder and Lightning

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2012 9:38 pm
by JohnSR
$350.00 later we have water. The guy replaced the control panel. Think the relay was stuck which caused the starting capacitor burn up. Glad it wasn't the pump. Is today Friday 13th or 12-21-12 :cry:

Re: Thunder and Lightning

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2012 9:56 pm
by jon.oman
Don't you just love those unexpected expenses?

We just spent over $800.00 on my wifes car. Head gasket, brakes, etc.