Heh Sr.....

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Heh Sr.....

Post by Sparkey »

Did I mention where I am off to next week ?

Will give you a hint. Its half term and the schools are shut.

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Re: Heh Sr.....

Post by JohnSR »

To the La La Land? How about the "land of sour grapes" or the slimy snail eaters? Speaking of slim. I had a badelynge of ducks a few years ago. In the evening they would go around the yard eating slugs. They would eat so many that the slim would hang from their beaks. It would take a long time for them to rub their beaks in the grass to get all the slim off. Sometimes their breasts would be covered with it. One good thing was, they kept the slug problem to a minimum
Three Scores and 14 years old and still going strong.

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Re: Heh Sr.....

Post by Sparkey »

Yepp....the la la land.

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Re: Heh Sr.....

Post by JohnSR »

Gee Sparkey, guess you will have to do like I do when going camping. Pack out your garbage. Was just watching TV and looks like France is out of gas and the garbage trucks can't pick up the trash because their tanks are empty. NO THROWING YOUR GARABE ALONG THE ROAD OR IN THE NEIGBORS YARD.
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Re: Heh Sr.....

Post by Sparkey »

Its over now and all back to work........... :roll:

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Re: Heh Sr.....

Post by Sparkey »

OK I give up....where you all hiding ? :cry:

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Re: Heh Sr.....

Post by JohnSR »

What do you mean "you all"? There are only three of us here, you, Jon and me. But you could count Mary Ann and Rosy. Speaking of Mary Ann, guess it is time to take another photo of her. :evil: :evil:

Bought a new sight for my bow today. It took me 2 hours to zero it in. Well worth it as now my groups are getting pretty tight at 20 and 30 yards. About time to move back to 40 yards soon. For you Sparkey, a yard is 36 inches and a meter is 39 inches if I remember my grade school math. Time to go feed Rosy and the beef. Will post Mary Ann's photo soon.
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Re: Heh Sr.....

Post by jon.oman »

Well, I'm here! I've been waiting for some activity. I don't like playing solitare.

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Re: Heh Sr.....

Post by JohnSR »

I was hoping that ole Sparkey would post some photos from his vacation. Guess he forgot his camera. Forgot to mention, I worked the "Queen Mary" ocean liner last night on the ham radio. It is berthed in San Diego, CA I think. Worked it once before about 15 years ago and got a real nice photo card from them. The operator could use some more practice at sending code though. Pretty rough copy.
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Re: Heh Sr.....

Post by jon.oman »

Yes Sparkey, we want images!

The Queen is berthed in LA. I flew over it in a helicopter (bubble front) when I was about 17. I've got an image of it somewhere....

Do you have a good site that details the latest ham radio hoops and loops?

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