D70ReaderW (Windows)

Current Version 1.10

D70ReaderW: What It Does

Nikon D40, D50, D70, D80, D100, D200, D2H, and D2X Cameras
It is all about the data that is embedded in each image you take with the D70, or any other digital camera. The D70ReaderW will extract that data in readable form, from the image file. Photoshop also does this, but it also likes to drop some of it on the floor! In using Photoshop CS, I was not able to find a way to cut and paste the information. I could not do this, so that I could send it in an email message, etc. I ended up transferring the data by re-typing it. That is why I originally wrote the program.

Here is an example of EXIF data taken directly from the camera in a NEF image:

D70ReaderWProgramVersion 1.00
Filename DSC_0001.NEF
Model NIKON D70
Orientation Horizontal (normal)
Software Ver.1.02
ExposureTime 1/200 seconds
FNumber 7.100000
ExposureProgram Auto
DateTimeDigitized 2005:02:03 10:00:31
ExposureBiasValue 0.000000
MeteringMode Multi-segment
Flash No Flash
FocalLength 70mm
FocalLengthIn35mmFilm 105mm
ISOUsed 200
Quality RAW
WhiteBalance AUTO
Sharpening AUTO
FocusMode AF-S
FlashSetting NORMAL
ISOSet 200
ToneCompensation AUTO
LensType G
Lens 18-70mm f/3.5-4.5
LensInfo 40 01 0c 00
ColorMode MODE1a
LightSource NATURAL
NoiseReduction OFF
ShutterCount 1766
Saturation NORMAL
VariProgram AUTO

Here is the EXIF data after being processed by Adobe Photoshop CS:

D70ReaderWProgramVersion 1.00
Filename DSC_0001.JPG
Model NIKON D70
Orientation Horizontal (normal)
Software Adobe Photoshop CS Windows
ExposureTime 1/200 seconds
FNumber 7.100000
ISOSpeedRatings 200
ExposureBiasValue 0.000000
MeteringMode Multi-segment
Flash No Flash
FocalLength 70mm
ExifImageWidth 3008
ExifImageLength 2000
FocalLengthIn35mmFilm 105mm

Notice all the data that is missing!

The D70ReaderW can be used before the file is processed by Photoshop, to extract the EXIF data in a readable format. It can also be used to replace the missing data in the Photoshop processed image, as long as you have the original file to work with.

Now, the D70ReaderW gives you a number of options. You may not be interested in any of them. But, some people will be. Here is a list:

  • Display EXIF Data
  • Display EXIF Verbose Data
  • Display EXIF HTML Data
  • Display EXIF XML Data
  • Display EXIF CSV Data
  • Display JavaScript Array Data
  • Extract JPG Image from NEF Image
  • Remove all EXIF Data from JPG Image
  • Generate Photo Website
  • Adjust Image Timestamps
  • Restore NEF EXIF to Target JPG(s)
  • Create JPG Fine Image from NEF
  • Select EXIF Tags to Display
The 'Display EXIF Data' option will allow you to see the formatted EXIF data.

The 'Display EXIF Verbose Data' option will allow you to see the raw EXIF data.

The 'Display EXIF HTML Data' option will generate an HTML table of the data, that can be embedded in a web site.

The 'Display EXIF XML Data' option will generate an XML data tree of the data. This is useful for only certain situations.

The 'Display EXIF CSV Data' option generates CSV data. This can be imported into a spreadsheet, or a database, so that you can keep track of your image data.

The 'Display JavaScript Array Data' option will allow you to create JavaScript array data, that can be used to create a web based slideshow of your images.

The 'Extract JPG Image from NEF Image' option will extract the JPG thumbnail image from the NEF image file. With the D70ReaderW, you can process a whole directory of NEF image files, in a very short time, and extract the JPG images. The images will be automatically rotated, for proper display. This means that you do not have to shoot RAW + JPG anymore, and put more images on your CF card.

The 'Create JPG Fine Image from NEF' option will create a JPG FINE image file from a NEF image file. With the D70ReaderW, you can process a whole directory of NEF image files, in a very short time, and create the JPG images. The images will be automatically rotated, for proper display. There are eight sub-options that can be used to control the image output. These options are labeled to be used with this option. The created image files are placed in a new directory called 'jpegfine'. The original NEF files are not modified in any way.

The 'Adjust Image Timestamps' option will allow you to fix the internal dates within the image file. This is helpful, if the user never set the camera date and time, shot dozens of images, and now wants to correct the problem. The created image files are placed in a new directory called .\d70readerw\fixdate. The original files are not modified in any way.

The 'Extract JPG Image from NEF Image' option allows you to remove all EXIF data from a JPG image. The original image file is not modified in any way.

The 'Restore NEF EXIF to Target JPG(s)' option allows you to restore the EXIF data that certain image packages strip from their processed images. So, you can copy the original EXIF data from the NEF/Raw image file into the processed JPG file. Now, you can have your EXIF data, and your post-processed JPG image in one file! A new file is created, the original files are not modified in any way.

The 'Generate Photo Website' option will generate a complete web site of your photographs from within a directory. The text displayed on the screen is now controlled with a configuration file. To customize the displayed text, just modify the text in the file before generating the photo web site.

Links for downloading the program:

Windows XP Program Files

I hope this explains what this program is all about.

Jon Oman

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D70ReaderW (Windows)

D70Reader (Command Line)

Talbot.DOF (Windows)

Talbot.DOF (PocketPC)




D70ReaderW (Windows)

D70Reader (Command Line)

Talbot.DOF (Windows)

Talbot.DOF (PocketPC)



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